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Trimarian Featured Cooks Showcase

The Trimaris Cooks' Showcase is an opportunity for all Trimarian cooks to show off their medieval cooking skills without the burden of having to cook an entire feast. What is your best or favorite redaction for a feast or a project? This is the place to show it off! 


Participants will submit recipes and research for 1-3 dishes for the Cooks' Showcase Dayboard at Kingdom ArtSci in January 2018. All recipes and research will be made into a book of recipes that will be sold at the event to raise funds for the Kingdom War Fund.


In the spirit of a Kingdom Arts & Sciences Fair, this showcase is for dishes based directly on medieval manuscripts. All submissions must include what was done in period, what the creator did in the project, a brief explanation of the difference (if any), a short bio of your persona, and a photo of you in medieval dress. Any other information or fun historical tidbits about your recipe are encouraged but not required.


Required Information for your Application:
1. Copies of the dish description or recipe in the pre-1600 manuscript upon which your dishes are based. 
2. Your modern recipe based as closely as possible on the medieval dish, using modern measurements. 
3. Name and date of primary source
4. Information on the differences and similarities between the original and redacted recipe- please limit to a few sentences. In other words, if you used chicken instead of pheasant and roasted it in the oven instead of on a spit over a fire, that information should be included. 
5. A short biography of your persona. This is not your whole persona story but more about your persona's activities in Trimaris. Make sure you include your local group.
6. A photo of yourself in garb. This photo will be displayed at the event with your food and published in the recipe book, so make it good! It doesn't have to be a head shot. If you have an excellent photo of yourself cooking at an event or doing something else you love, that's great too but we need to be able to recognize you. All photos need to be in the highest resolution possible.

Mistress Madhavi of Jaisalmer, OL
MKA: Andi Houston
818 NW 35 Ave.
Gainesville, FL 32609

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