Fun & Games
"WOLGEMUT" in concert!
The threads were woven, the stars aligned, we lucked out, and are thrilled to welcome "WOLGEMUT," the one and only international Minstrels' Group known from Pennsic War and Renaissance Fairs across the US.
Bardic Competition
This bardic competition is open to any Trimarian in attendance who wishes to represent our kingdom as Warrior Bard (planning to attend Gulf Wars to encourage the troops would be a good aspiration for the Warrior Bard). Entries should deal with some aspect of the Warrior's life such as heroes, epic battles, loving a warrior, training, tall stories, loyalty, knightly virtues, etc. It can be your own original work or a piece created by somebody else. If an entrant uses somebody else's work they must credit the source. The entry does not need to be a period piece, documentation is not rquired.
The winner is encouraged to wear the baldric proudly, and return next year to run the competition. The Warrior Bard of Trimaris also receives the Sword of the Warrior Bard.
This Bardic competition is only open to members of the Barony of Castlemere and her cantons. Entrants may present in any type of performance they wish (song, poetry, story, etc.). It can be original, SCA, period and can revolve around any theme dealing with the SCA, the Medieval era or the Renaissance. The duties of the Bard of Castlemere are to help judge the Warrior Bard competition, to represent the Barony as her Champion of the Bardic Arts, and to promote and foster the bardic arts within her borders. The winner is encouraged to wear the baldric proudly.
Class Coordinator: Baroness Jehanette de Lille
"Your medieval Encampment"
A majority of classes will revolve around aspects of your medieval encampment - from shade structures and tents to furniture and more!
We have the pleasure and privilege to welcome these following artisans and scholars teaching their craft at our event. If you would like to add your name and class to this list, please contact our class coordinator!
"A Simple Dayshade" - Mayken van der Alst
"King Renee Chandelier" - Mayken van der Alst
Welcome to the SCA for Newcomers - Jehanette de Lille
First Canvas - Easy Beginner Pyramid Tent on a Shoestring - Margaret Leslie
Medieval Encampment Q&A - Gareth Dalyngrigge/Mayken van der Alst
Period Fresh Cheese - Annabelle Roberts
Medieval woodworking - Gunther McCardie
"Bardic Drum Circle"
Let us fill the night with the sound of drums and songs! Both nights we invite you to join our Bardic Drum Circle - sing, dance, drum, laugh!
"Long Boat Races"
All ages
Host: HL Lilias MacLeoid
Test your mettle in this obstacle course race for all ages! Teams will consist of 3-4 players, single player turns will also be scheduled. Weave your way through the rune stones to reach the enemy's helm. Snag and hold onto it while making your way back through the obstacle course. Each run is timed with the best time winning the prize(s).
"Caramel Apple Decorating"
Children Activities
Host: Mlady Generys Eiriana wreic Cymro
More information coming soon!
"Three Seas Tavern"
All Day Feast Hall
Come and stay a while at the Three Seas Tavern where hot drinks (Hot chocolate, etc.) flow freely (donations accepted) from the tap hosted by the Salty Sea Dogs of Sudrholt, and games of chance await you (Chess, Backgammon, 9 Man Morris, and a few dice games too)!