Send Reservation requests to
Heidi Shepherd
HL Aldis Samsdottir
255H Pringle Circle
Green Cove Springs, FL 32043
(904) 334-4137
Site Fees:
Daytrip $20 / with member discount $15
1 Night $26 / with member discount $21
2 Nights $33 / with member discount $28
Feast $10/person (limited to 65)
Make all checks payable to SCA - Barony of Castlemere" and include your Driver's License number on your check.
SCA & Kingdom policies apply to Children and Family site fees (no family more than 3 adult site fees,; children 12 and under free). This is a dry site. Smoking limited to designated areas. No pets allowed on site, service animals only.
Autocrat - Lady Jacqueline (Kay Horvath)
Deputy Autocrat - Lady Arabella (Kelly Bean)
Feast chef - Lord Bran (Beau Burkett)
Reservations - HL Aldis (Heidi Shepherd)
Deputy - Mistress Thalassia
Merchant Liaison - Maestra Cara Angiola de Boccaccion
(Cara Shaffer)
Hall Steward - HL Isabeau Sidonya McGregor (Darlene Dube)
Gate - HL Winfred of Wallingford (Jason Walling)
Deputy - Lord Dmitrii Ivanov (Chris Chastain)
Ratcatcher Game - Lady Beatrice of Wallingford (Beatrice Walling)
Rapier MIC - HL Jean Michel d' Aix en Provence (Jacobus Tenbroek)
Three Seas Tavern - Shire of Sudrholt
Long Boat Races - HL Lilias MacLeoid(Celia Vencil)
Thrown Weapons MIC - Lord Daimhim MacLeoid(Dave Vencil)
Class Coordinator - Baroness Jehanette de Lille (Julie Rider)
Website - Mistress Mayken van der Alst (Micha Gibbons)
Contact the Autocrat:
Kay Horvath
aka: Lady Jacqueline K. DeLyonnaise
2966 Beachwood Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32246
Phone: (904) 588-2591
Contact the Merchant Liaison:
Merchants are welcome and much appreciated at C&C
Cara Schaffer
aka Maestra Cara Angiola de Boccaccio (Cara Schaffer) (limited access)
Phone: 904-745-7744