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The Quest

Join us on a quest to find riches, display bravery, overcome challenges, and discover knowledge! Explore the many secrets of the Lorelei and its denizens!




The Quest "The Secrets of the Lorelei" will take you on a journey to the famous cliff on the right bank of the River Rhine in the Rhine Gorge at Sankt Goarshausen in Germany. This cliff is steeped in ancient stories of tragedy and unrequited love and of creatures lurking in the treacherous water below.



The Quest

Each Adventurer wishing to investigate the secrets of the Lorelei must get their bag of 10 coins and their quest book from the Questmaster in the Feasthall.  Some pouches, at random, may contain a token to be used for safe passage (Skip a challenge at no loss), used as an ordinary coin, or be turned in with the Questmaster at the end of the quest to be counted as three ordinary coins.



The Quest's Path will be marked by signs. At each of the four stations you will participate in two activities.



  • Activity I: You will be asked a question (multiple choice or true/false) on subjects covered in the Quest Guide. A correct answer earns you one coin. If you answer a question incorrectly, you must give up a coin. You may increase your wager (two coins or more) if you feel particularly brave. Just remember that you will have to give up the same number of coins you wagered in case of an incorrect answer!

  • Activity II: You will be asked to perform a small task related to one of the four parts of the story. Successful completion of a task earns you one coin. You cannot loose any coins through Activity II, and you cannot wager more.


After completion of each station, the station hosts will frank the quest book regardless of your total score.


At the end of the Quest your coins will be tallied by the Questmaster. Only participants with fully stamped quest books will be eligible to win prizes. The major prizes will be bestowed during the evening court.

Download the
Quest Handbook

Download the Quest handbook here and start preparing for the adventure!

© 2017 Hausmaerchen created by MvdA

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