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Cornerstones of Castlemere

Every year in February at our anniversary event "Cutlasses and Corsairs," this token is presented to one male and one female member of the Barony by the populace of the Barony for their contributions to the group above and beyond the normal call. The members of the Barony of Castlemere vote on the annual Cornerstones at Cutlasses & Corsairs.

A voting booth will be set up in the feast hall at "The Corsair's Heart"
Votes can also be turned in to the Seneshal if a member of the Barony would like to vote prior to the event.
Members of the Barony may cast their vote for any member of the Barony except last year's Cornerstones.



Previous Honorees:

(previous seven years)
2012 Lady Egelina Pounhale & Lord Mael Coluim le Drake 
2013 HL Eliza MacGregor & HL Iain Qwhewyl
2014 HL Aldis Samsdottir & Lord Godfrey de Neuhalle
2015 Don Gunther von Waldherz & Lady Jacqueline Katheryn Lyonnaise
2016 Lady Tailefhlaith ingen Gormgilla & HL Albrecht von Hartweck
2017 Mistress Mayken van der Alst & Lord Lonan Mor

2018 Mistress Jehanette de Lille and Lord Juan Ramirez

2019                ??????



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