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Patrons of the arts, craftsmen and women, troubadours and poets, scholars, students, artisans - join us for a weekend of celebrating the arts, of learning and sharing knowledge!

Bardic Competition



Sign up on site!


This bardic competition is open to any Trimarian in attendance who wishes to represent our kingdom as Warrior Bard (planning to attend Gulf Wars to encourage the troops would be a good aspiration for the Warrior Bard). Entries should deal with some aspect of the Warrior's life such as heroes, epic battles, love of a warrior, training, tall stories, loyalty, knightly virtues, etc. It can be your own original work or a piece created by somebody else. If an entrant uses somebody else's work they must credit the source. The entry does not need to be a period piece, documentation is not required.

The winner is encouraged to wear the baldric proudly and return next year to run the competition. The Warrior Bard of Trimaris also receives the Sword of the Warrior Bard.




Sign up on site!


This Bardic competition is only open to members of the Barony of Castlemere and her cantons. Entrants may present in any type of performance they wish (song, poetry, story, etc.). It can be original, SCA, period and can revolve around any theme dealing with the SCA, the Medieval era or the Renaissance. The duties of the Bard of Castlemere are to help judge the Warrior Bard competition, to represent the Barony as her Champion of the Bardic Arts, and to promote and foster the bardic arts within her borders. The winner is encouraged to wear the baldric proudly.


- A Persona Hike Experiment
Coordinator: Mayken van der Alst


If your persona traveled, how would they have done that? Where would they go and what would they bring? 

In this experiment we will do just that: wear and pack items that our persona would have and head out for a short hike and picnic lunch around Camp Immokalee.


There are two levels of participation: Novice and Argent Trefoil


Novice Level: Arrive with good shoes, period clothes that will keep you comfortable outside and a willingness to learn.

Argent Trefoil Level: (Note: You do not need to hold the award of the Argent Trefoil to participate at this level. This is only a quick reference to period presence)
You can only use period items that your persona would use. This includes clothing, accessories, leg and foot coverings, storage bags, shelters, packs, tools, cooking equipment, and eating and drinking items. We are recreating a trek from point A to point B so multiple trips to carry gear are not allowed. If you have a period hand cart, you can use that to transport your items, if not, you will need to use a pack or a bag. NO ANIMALS ARE ALLOWED, unless they are certified service animals.

The Hike

We meet Saturday morning with our gear at 10am in the feast hall. Argent Trefoil level participants will lay out

all of their items for introduction and as learning experience. You do not need to provide documentation for your items, but be ready to explain your choice of gear.

After inspection we will pack up and embark on our hike to our lunch site. The walk will last approx. one hour,
to simulate a day’s trek and to test how our packs function. At our lunch site we will rest and prepare our lunch (while we share informal classes/crafts such as fire making, cooking over a fire, medieval food, bags and backpacks, etc. to pass the time) before we head back to join the remainder of the event.



East Kingdom Royal Foresters: It is the purpose of foresters to research, recreate, educate and demonstrate historical tools, methods, equipment and techniques for living, camping, traveling and cooking, in the outdoors or in wilderness locations.

SCA Foresters Guild Pinterest Board


Pilgrim's clothing


Wallets & Shoulder Sacks







Class Coordinator: Baroness Eliza McGregor

Interested in teaching? Contact our class coordinator at !


Location: Feast Hall

10-11 A. M. Newcomers Class taught by Sir Turold and Countess Dulcia

10-11 A.M. Fantasy Pirate vs Real Pirate taught by  HL Lilias MacCleod

11-12 Noon Mariner Faire (Hardtack) taught by  Baroness Eliza MacGregor


Location: Shipside - outside

11-12 Noon 16th Century Firearms  taught by HL Devlin McCleod and Don Cullen McPetir MacGregor, Baron Castlemere


Crossbow Class: material cost - $150. Participants will be provided with all materials and tools to finish and assemble a target & combat legal crossbow. Foot stirrups available for additional $25. Stocks are solid hardwood and prods are aluminum with a 62-65# pull. Taught by Mistress Chabi


Lunch Break


Location: Feast Hall

1-2 P.M. Navigation taught by  Lord Dmitri aka Chris Chastain

2-3 P.M. Cartography (Maps) taught by Lord D'Mitri aka Chris Chastain

1-2 P.M. Leathercraft taught by Master Sean O'Neill

2-3 P.M. Grace O'Malley taught by Duchess Elsbeth


Children Activities

Coordinator:  Hawisia de Grote 


All Day Rat Catcher Game


Intro to Youth Rapier, taught by His Excellency, Baron James Highgate, Baron of Darkwater







An Crosaire Bardic Champion

Coordinator: Maebdh ni Siobhan




Entrants will be given a list of 20 words, from which they must choose 10 which must be used in the creation of a performance piece about Love & Lust. Full rules and word list will be available at Reservations as well as online on Friday of the event!


Download the word list here! 






An Crosaire Art/Sci Champion
Coordinator: Victoria Valeria



Entries should fit into the SCA Ambiance category of the Kingdom Art/Sci rules. No real documentation is required. Items will not be judged. The champion will be chosen by populace acclaim (bead in a cup). Tell us what it is designed to "disguise". All entries should disguise a mundane item to pass the 10-foot rule in camp or at an event or even in your medieval space at home. Be creative! It's still our middle name. 


Entries must be registered by 10 AM.

Populace judging begins at NOON and ends at 3:30PM

Entries can be retrieved at 4 PM.





The tavern brawl is a friendly competition that happens in the tavern. The tavern keeper has a bag of coins, and there are serving wenches. The participants compete by coming up with creative ways to steal the bag of money.  Winner is chosen by tavern patrons' choice!




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